Community Farm Land Trust (CFLT)
Board Member Job Description
Potential members of the Board of Directors need to self-nominate or be invited by the Nominating Committee or any Board member. Individuals should:
General Expectations of Board Members
Shared responsibilities of all board members working together:
Responsibility of the CFLT to Board Members
The organization will be responsible to you as a board member in the following ways:
Board Member Job Description
Potential members of the Board of Directors need to self-nominate or be invited by the Nominating Committee or any Board member. Individuals should:
- Be a current dues-paying member.
- Meet with the Nominating Committee or designated Board member to learn about the organization and review this job description.
- Have attended at least two events such as the annual meeting, Farms Forever or board or committee meetings.
- Show evidence of understanding and support of the mission and work of the organization.
- Share with the board a brief resume, listing of skills, background and interest related to farmland preservation and identify which committee service if of most interest.
General Expectations of Board Members
- Know and evaluate the organization’s mission, goals, policies, programs, services, strengths, and needs.
- Bring goodwill and a sense of humor to all board activities.
- Enhance the organization’s public standing.
- Champion our community, equity and creativity values with our partners, within the board and staff and in the community.
- Support the organization’s financial health through your personal commitment to donate of your time, talents and/or funds in an amount that you consider generous (in-kind contributions, auction donations, membership or dollars given monthly or annually).
- Support the annual meeting and Farms Forever event by bringing others and attending.
- Use personal and professional networks to promote the mission of the Community Farm Land Trust and stand for the values of preserving farmland and farming in our region in perpetuity.
- Take on, with my fellow board members, the legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that the organization does the best work possible in pursuit of its goals. This includes oversight that assures that CFLT operates in a manner consist with the non-profit law in Washington, the CFLT Bylaws, mission, vision and values. Terms, Officers, Committees (Board of Directors is a 7 to 15 member group)
- Board member terms are for three year and are renewable. The board is elected by the membership at the annual meeting. Vacancies can be temporarily filled by choice of the board.
- Board members serve on at least one board committee that best matches my individual skills and interests.
- Officers: The board elects its officers at the first Board meeting following the annual meeting as outlined in the Bylaws. Officers are elected for a one year term and shall serve no more than three consecutive terms.
Meetings and Events - Regularly prepare for, and participate in the 10 or 11 board meetings each year. Board meetings are typically the third Tuesday of the month from 7 to 9 pm in Olympia or Tumwater with an optional time for a potluck together starting at 6:30 pm (third Wed in fall). If not available in person arrange to attend virtually, over telephone conference or to be available for telephone consultation.
- Committees include, but are not limited to: Finance, Farmland Preservation, and Membership/Outreach/Development. Committee schedules and responsibilities vary, and are typically on weeknight evenings. Some committee meetings are available to attend virtually or via telephone conference.
- Board Mentor: During the first year on the board, actively engage with your Board Mentor as a preparation for or follow-up to board and committee meetings.
- Attend an annual day long retreat, which is typically on a Saturday in the late fall or winter.
- Notify the Chair in advance of meetings and events when unable to attend.
Shared responsibilities of all board members working together:
- Financial Responsibility
- Board members have the duty to understand SSCFLT’s budget, and to be an active participant in planning, and implementing that budget.
- Legal Responsibility
- Working with the other board members, each member holds the responsibility to approve all SSCFLT policies and approve all land acquisitions, easements and long-term leases.
- Organizational Responsibility
- Board members support the Executive Director including engaging in a helpful annual evaluation of the ED’s work.
- Board members have a responsibility to participate in decision-making with healthy debate, due process and to work toward consensus on all board decisions. In the event that consensus cannot be achieved, a decision may be made by a majority of the Board Members present and voting. Once an action is taken, Board members have the duty to support the decisions made by the majority of the Board.
- In addition to monthly meetings of the board and committee, board members help to frame the organization’s annual action plan and longer-term strategic plan.
- Have a responsibility to be knowledgeable of and abide by the SSCFLT's bylaws. Bylaws are posted athttp://www.communityfarmlandtrust.org/bylaws.html
- Fundraising Responsibility
- Board members will actively engage in fundraising for CFLT, each in their own manner and consistent with the Fundraising Plan. Opportunities may include assisting with or hosting special events, bringing many individuals to Farms Forever and other events, donating auction items, calling donors to thank them, writing thank you notes, assisting with grant or foundation applications, or making individual solicitations.
Responsibility of the CFLT to Board Members
The organization will be responsible to you as a board member in the following ways:
- The organization carries and will continue to carry directors and officers’ liability insurance during your time
of service (Wrongful Acts covered under the Non Profit Insurance Program, NPIP) - Several days in advance of the board meeting you will be sent, without request, monthly financial reports
and an update of organizational activities that allow you to meet the “prudent person” standards of the law. - You will be given access to information about programs and policies, goals and objectives as appropriate.
- You can expect to be given the opportunity to discuss with the Executive Director and the Board Chair the
organization’s programs, goals, activities and status. - You can expect that board members and the Executive Director will respond in a straightforward fashion toquestions that you feel are necessary to carry out your fiscal, legal and values based responsibilities to theorganization.
- Should the organization not fulfill its commitments to you, you may call upon the Board Chair and ExecutiveDirector to discuss the organization’s responsibilities to you.